Chinese Name Generator 🈵: Find Your Mandarin name!

Discover your unique Chinese name with our Chinese Name Generator! Whether you desire an ancient name, a modern moniker, or names with profound meanings, find the perfect fit that resonates with male or female Mandarin essence.

Glimpse of the Chinese Names

Do you know that, unlike other religions, the Chinese are very peculiar about giving the name to their babies? They love to find names that are meaningful and display some characteristics.

However, you may be fascinated to know that they believe in five elements, and they check these elements at the time of birth. When some elements are very high or low, they find the name that balances these elements. Even the ancient Chinese names followed the same tradition. So, what are those elements that Chinese citizens look for?

  • Metal overcomes wood
  • Wood overcomes earth
  • Earth overcomes water
  • Water overcomes fire
  • Fire overcomes metal

Their naming convention is auspicious, and their style is surname first and then the name.

Introduction to Chinese Name Generator

Finding the Chinese name is challenging! If you want to get a meaningful name, go for the Chinese name generator with meaning, where you will get the suitable name along with the meaning of the name.

You can use the generator not just to find a suitable name for your kid, but it is also helpful for other purposes like role-playing, script writing, or gaming. With the help of a generator, you will get random male, female, and unisex names.

Now, no more hassle. With the help of the tool, you can get unlimited ideas no matter if you are seeking male, female, or unisex names.


Finding the name is absolutely easy; you can brainstorm name ideas using the random Chinese name generator.

  • Step 1 - Open the page - Chinese Name Generator.
  • Step 2 - Enter the number of Chinese names you want. You can choose up to ten names in one go.
  • Step 3 - In the second box, you will get four options - Random, Male, Female, and Unisex. With the drop-down, select any of these options.
  • Step 4 - Finally, hit the generate Chinese name tab to get the result.

The database is full of names and bifurcated based on the generator. Even if you select a particular category, you will get unlimited names along with the meaning.


The random Chinese name generator has four categories. Check out each one.


If you want the names irrespective of gender, then go for it. Check these examples with meaning.

  • Shuo - an achievement that brings wealth.
  • Hua - Splendid, Flower, Blossom.
  • Nuwa - Creator of the whole universe.
  • Ting - A slim and beautiful person.
  • Ushi - A plant.


Male names show strength and power. Examples are:

  • Berndt - Brave like a bear.
  • Jiei - A successful person.
  • Manchu - Pure
  • Huang - Bright Yellow
  • Jig - A person with swift speed.


Female names associate beauty and elegance. Example -

  • Lian - Graceful as a willow.
  • Mei - Beautiful
  • Meiling - Beautiful and delicate
  • Niu - Young or cute girl.
  • Genji - Gold

Unisex Names

No matter what the gender is, both males and females can use these names.

  • An - One who is satisfying and gracious.
  • He - Harmony and peace by the river.
  • Hui - Clever and quick
  • Chun - The spring season
  • Bao - Precious

Scenarios and Uses

Get the names of your kids.

One of the primary uses of the Mandarin Name Generator is that you can use it to find a suitable name for your kids. Looking for the kid's names as per the tradition and rituals is challenging. The generator can help you get many ideas, saving time and effort.

Role Plays

Finding the name per the character's role and personality requires in-depth analysis and much knowledge about Chinese names. Only some people are well acquainted with the words.

Relax if you are a person who doesn't know much about terms. You can get help from the Chinese name generator with meanings, where you will get unlimited names and definitions.

Script Writing and Storytelling

Another primary use of the Chinese name generator is looking for unique and suitable names for the characters in the story or making the script for the shows. People recognize the excellent character by the name.

For example - if the character is brave and is fearless, then look for the title, which means courageous. Similarly, look for the character names based on their unique traits.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a Chinese Name Generator?

    If you are looking for Chinese names, this tool suits you most. You will get a list of Chinese names along with their meaning.

  2. How many Chinese names will the generator give?

    The generator can give you ten names in one go. But if you do not like the names or want to look for more names, you can use the generator again. There is no limitation on the number of users. The database is full of thousands of different names.

  3. How can I get the name based on the Chinese character?

    You can look at the names from the generator, check their meaning, and combine one or two characters based on your need. The tool also provides the meaning of the names.

  4. Is the tool free to use?

    Yes, the tool is free to use. It is user-friendly, and you don't need to give your personal information. You can use it for unlimited time.


If you want to find suitable names for your kid or look for unique and attractive names for role plays and scripts, then the tool is meant for you. The Chinese name generator has many different names along with their meaning.

You will get unlimited ideas in just a few clicks, and you can customize these names per your needs. So, save your time by using the generator.